Steven Michael Crane

— Researcher, Behavior Designer: Stanford School of Medicine and Stanford Behavior Design Lab
— Founder: Synaptic Insights Consulting

I research, design, and teach across a variety of fields, working in academia and industry. My life’s work is to study, share, and practice the principles of living that lead to greater wisdom, peace, and prosocial engagement in the world.

Born in Arizona in 1988, I received a BA in Human Biology (with a concentration in the Psychology and Philosophy of Successful Aging) from Stanford University in 2012 and an MS in Community Health and Prevention Research from Stanford Medicine in 2019.  As a speaker, teacher, and writer, I cover topics ranging from biology and psychology to behavior design, human nature, and the future of biotechnology. As a consultant and interdisciplinary research scholar, I study human behavior (especially screen time), biotechnological ethics, social connectedness, public health, and human flourishing.  

My “extracurricular” priorities revolve around personal health behaviors, meditation, time in nature, and authentic social connection, particularly with my partner and much-adored children.  I live cooperatively with family and friends in the hills of Los Gatos, California.

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